Landing page

10 min



Remember we were comparing our landing page with the TV shop! You should have enough content for the user to understand your offer, then a bit more content – to show that his life from now on when he knows about your offer – would be incomplete! Then a bit more content to break down all the last doubts and worries! Let’s see how all these can be done?

  • Description

    you can show some main features of the product, or main ideas of the offer

landing page. product features


  • Benefits

Then you need to turn your features into benefits. Talk to the manager of the product – he knows the product strengths and limitations – he will advice you what options can be most important, what is the main difference between your product/service/offer and the similar on the market. Don’t grudge the time for the open talk with the person that knows the subject in and out! Maybe there are things better not to mention, that are not so good developed than other. It would be more convincible if you make a list of strong arguments. You can first give the title and then a short description, explaining the core subject of the benefit.

You should always try to give the value to your product/service, generally speaking – every section of your landing page should leave the feeling of product value in a user. And when you has progressed to the stage where the user, leaving your page has a deep disappointing feeling of lost – you may consider you have reached your aim! And when you has progressed to the stage where the user, leaving your page without conversion action has a deep disappointing feeling of lost – you may consider you have reached your goal! This user most likely will return to your page to make the conversion!

Remember to stay user-focused! Tell the user – he will be awesome with your product/service! Tell him he will save his time, overcome the competitor, he will be more secured, more appreciated. Call to his most selfish motives and desires!

Trustworthy Signal
  • Testimonials

It’s always a good idea to use the testimonials! Use the real people testimonials, even if they are just your friends. Testimonials – is one of the so-called “trust signals”. Use experts opinions if you can. Or celebrities. Use success stories!

  • Guarantee

Give your audience guarantee – it should not be by all means “the money-back” or any other material guarantee! You can create your own – i.e. 100% no spam, or anything you can comply.

  • Contacts

Use the multiply contact methods! Phone number, toll free number, your actual, physical address, email, contact form – all you can provide! When the customer sees the physical address – it gives him another “trust signal” – at least this company exists in a real world! And if your target audience is aged over 40 years old – you can be sure they will definitely pay attention to this detail, even though they will never visit your office and even more – they might not even have a thought about doing that – yet, they are looking for that signal and always happy to find out that you exist physically!

  • Live Chat or live Support

Now it’s widely spread feature for all types of landing pages. Actually it’s very user-friendly option to offer. Especially talking about the Click Through Landing pages. People, that are not acquainted with the product or service – might want to ask a few questions before making a decision to pay money for it. It also gives the client a confidence, that in case he will take your offer or buy your product or sign-up to your webinar – he will not be left on the mercy of fate and if he faces difficulties – you will be there to help.

Trustworthy Signals

  • Testimonials

It’s always a good idea to use the testimonials! Use the real people testimonials, even if they are just your friends. Testimonials – is one of the so-called “trust signals”. Use experts opinions if you can. Or celebrities. Use success stories!

  • Guarantee

Give your audience guarantee – it should not be by all means “the money-back” or any other material guarantee! You can create your own – i.e. 100% no spam, or anything you can comply.

  • Contacts

Use the multiply contact methods! Phone number, toll free number, your actual, physical address, email, contact form – all you can provide! When the customer sees the physical address – it gives him another “trust signal” – at least this company exists in a real world! And if your target audience is aged over 40 years old – you can be sure they will definitely pay attention to this detail, even though they will never visit your office and even more – they might not even have a thought about doing that – yet, they are looking for that signal and always happy to find out that you exist physically!

  • Live Chat or live Support

Now it’s widely spread feature for all types of landing pages. Actually it’s very user-friendly option to offer. Especially talking about the Click Through Landing pages. People, that are not acquainted with the product or service – might want to ask a few questions before making a decision to pay money for it. It also gives the client a confidence, that in case he will take your offer or buy your product or sign-up to your webinar – he will not be left on the mercy of fate and if he faces difficulties – you will be there to help.

And the last but not the least

  • Call To Action

Make it cool – not dull! The CTA copy – is the most important copy on the page! Make it outstanding! Don’t use just “Submit” button!

Make it big!

As big as you can!

Make it a button!

Actually call to action may be anything you want, a sentence, link, image, etc. But it’s already turned into reflex! So stay conservative – use button. User sees button – user knows what to do with it!

Good call to action

call to action button

Bad call to action

bad call to action



A landing page is the place where all your efforts come to fruition. This is the place where customers click, people buy, and you make revenue.

Don’t screw it up.

Neil Patel


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Tamara Bykova

Marketing and SEO specialist in Px-lab and Novembit. Love what I'm doing! Would like someone to invent the charger for me - not to waste time on sleep. But with the feature: "sweet dreams" for some 15 min inspiration! Do you know someone, who can do that? Let me know!


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