SEO Checklist. Both: On Site And Off Site SEO

7 min


Meta Tags

<meta name="description" content="">

short description of the page – not more than 150 characters (for snippet) – the most important info – closer to the beginning

<title>The Title of the Page</title>

generally shown as the title in search results, and as the page title – not more then 60 characters. Use keyword (better the same to use in H1)

<meta name="robots" content="" />

noindex: prevents the page from being indexed

nofollow: prevents the Googlebot from following links from this page

nosnippet: prevents a snippet from being shown in the search results

noarchive: prevents Google from showing theCached link for a page

unavailable_after:[date]: lets you specify the exact time and date you want to stop crawling and indexing of this page

noimageindex: lets you specify that you do not want your page to appear as the referring page for an image that appears in Google search results

none: is equivalent to noindex, nofollow

Meta tag <keywords> is not used by Google since 2009 already! 

Some people, who are not much pointy-head to the subject still spending much time setting meta keywords.

This video from Google is for them


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Tamara Bykova

Marketing and SEO specialist in Px-lab and Novembit. Love what I'm doing! Would like someone to invent the charger for me - not to waste time on sleep. But with the feature: "sweet dreams" for some 15 min inspiration! Do you know someone, who can do that? Let me know!


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