Hello everyone, after one week, we are pleased to announce the next big update:
1. New: WordPress Social Login plugin integration (login with 25+ networks)
WordPress Social Login allow your website readers and customers to register on using their existing social accounts IDs, eliminating the need to fill out registration forms and remember usernames and passwords.
WordPress Social Login also allow you to import users contact list from Google Gmail, Facebook, Windows Live and LinkedIn.
Plugin gives you absolute control over users access to your website and comes a list of rules and restrictions for you to setup.
More detailed information about this plugin you can read in our documentation.
2. New: Hyena – GIF Animation Controls jQuery plugin integration (fast and smooth gifs)
3. New: CloudConverter service integration for converting GIFs into MP4 video files on the fly
We integrated CloudConvert converter service which will allow you to improve your website performance if you using many GIf files.
If you use this service, all uploaded GIF files will be converted to MP4, which will optimize your website speed.
More detailed information about this plugin you can read in our documentation.
4. New: “View Full Post” button for stream post listing
This button will be shown only for posts which have featured image with aspect ratio 1:3 and with editor content inside of the post.
To manage show or hide this button go to WP admin => Layouts => Post sinlge => “View Full Post” Button section.
You can see this feature in our “Another GAG” demo layout
5. New: Trending icon option (3 icon types available now)
You can change it from WP admin => Customizing => Design => Badges => Trending Badges
6. New: Font size options
Now you can manage:
- General Text Font Size
- Single Post Heading Font Size
- Widget Heading Font Size
7. New: Universal/Safe web fonts
By default now you’ll have opportunity to change websites fonts, without using Google web fonts. Universal web fonts will be installed with theme by default.
4. Improvement: Buddy-press
- All Buddypress widgets are supported now
- Buddypress notifications icon in header
- Buddypress rtMedia addon support